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About Me & Team

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Monica and this used to be my official blog… Until it started to grow into something bigger.

Now hairscream turned into a knowledge base for everyone wanting to learn more about hair care and hair tools. Here you will find more about new styling tools, hair products, and the latest things in hairdressing.

Meet hairscream Team


My name is Chloe and I am here to make you look and feel like a celebrity. I am a professional hairdresser and Sub-editor at this website, which we raise together with my bestie Monica. I am 36 years young, have two kids and an adorable hubby. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas.

Since my childhood I have always wanted to be a hairdresser. Whereas some people believe that we must outgrow our first dreams, I strongly suggest anyone to listen to what their heart desires. My devoted clients, whom I try to make happy every day, confirm this. Follow your dreams and prepare to work hard for them. That’s what I did. I’ve learned for years to become a professional, and then I practiced some more.

I met Monica many years ago at a conference in Houston. She was working somewhere in Austin, and I’ve just started my career in one of the biggest salon chains in Dallas. Our first conversation has quickly turned into heated debates on best natural shampoo topic. And I remember back then I thought that this woman is unbearable, although Monica probably had similar impression on my account. Just imagine how awkward we both felt when the next day we had to work together. But it turned out really well. We spent a great time together, laughing constantly and learning from each other. Our friendship did not stop after the conference, even though we are living in different continents now, we still keep in touch a lot.

Now we work together and our families became really good friends as well. Still, we have different experiences and skills to share with you. Check out our recommendations!


Hi there! My name is Clarissa and I am your guide through the beautiful world of gray hair. Forget about feeling sorry for your gray hair. Look in the mirror and admit how many possibilities this amazing natural color can give you. It fits superheroes, so why would it not fit you?

My own hair became completely gray in my twenties, but it was a long and painful process for me. In that time, it was shocking to see a school student with gray hair, and my mother brought me to the hair salon where I was “fixed”. Thank God, times have changed. In today’s world of unlimited possibilities, it is you who can choose whether to dye your hair or to admit its new color by revealing and intensifying its beauty. No matter what you chose, I’ll be there for you.

If you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars each year on hiding your gray hair, my articles on this blog are for you. Think of me as a  friend who has already overcome the hard times of accepting the beauty of natural gray hair and can give you support that you might need. I have numerous creative ideas and I’m willing to make experiments and discuss them here. So, I am going to be your optimistic adviser with lots of tips, tricks, and personal experience. And, of course, you are always welcome to share your own thoughts here as well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make comments, as this blog is a friendly and welcoming place.

On this blog, I will share the secrets on taking care of your gray hair on a daily basis or making creative hairdos for special occasions. You will find recipes, reviews, tips, and tricks. But first of all, I will help you to cherish your silver hair while living your life to the fullest.


Hey there, My name is Joseph Steele, and I’m one of the authors here at I’m a barber professionally licensed in New York State. I have over 15 years of experience in barbering, starting my career at the age of 20. Throughout the years, I’ve participated in stage work at a variety of shows, as well as taught and shared my knowledge with students at colleges and academies across the US. Today, I can’t say I’m the real-life Edward Scissorhands, but I’m pretty darn close to this level of professionalism 🙂

I started barbering due to the lack of stability at local barbershops, one week they gave me a nice haircut and the next week a tedious one. So I started cutting my own hair and did pretty good at my first try. That’s probably due to my solid background in art and fashion design, which contributed to my steady hand and attention to detail. Back then, I decided to pursue a career in men’s grooming.

At, I will be sharing my professional expertise with you covering the following topics:

  • barber hacks and tricks
  • beard growth and care
  • tips on using beard balm and beard oil
  • best styles for men
  • top-notch hairdressing tools
  • shaping and styling mustache
  • successful barbershop etc.

In addition to this, in my posts, I will be reviewing some of my top-favorite brands in hair, skin, and beard care, as well as razors, wet shaving products, and styling tools that I personally enjoy using. Therefore, whether you’re a professional barber or just looking for the best products for your home grooming needs, I’m here to lend you a helping hand.

People often neglect haircuts and shaving properly, saying ‘What’s the haircut?’. But if you think about it, your hair is the crown you wear. If you’re going out, and your hair is a mess, and your beard is all tangled, your confidence will drop to zero. A great haircut can make you feel like you can tackle the world. Same goes for every aspect of life. If you feel confident in yourself, you’re going to perform to your utmost potential.

Hope you enjoy reading my posts and draw lots of inspiration from them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section at the bottom of each post. I will get back to you with answers as soon as possible.

Have a great day,


And of course, me!


I love seeing you here. I love reading every comment you write, answering every question you ask, and watching how more and more women join me every day in my endless journey to making you beautiful and happy. I could do that because I’m a professional hairstylist, and I’ve been working at different salons for the last 25 years. So, as you may notice, I know a little something about hair styling 🙂

I was born in Dallas, Texas, and I’ve always loved making hairstyles for my mom, my two little sisters and all of my friends. As I grew up, I realized that my hobby could be turned into a career, and that’s how I became a hairstylist. I’ve worked at salons all over Texas. Two years ago I moved to Iowa and started working at Hair Madness Salon.

I’m married and I have a 23 years old daughter who is used to be the model for every hair related idea that comes to my mind. So, even at home, I keep thinking about making this world more beautiful, though my daughter seems to be a little tired after putting my ideas into life. But this all is only for the sake of beauty =)

Now I’m working at the salon only 2 days a week, and the rest of the time I offer consultations for women who would like to look and feel better. Often times, these are middle-aged women who juggle raising kids, paying enough attention to the husband, doing housework and all these little things that nobody seems to notice.

This leaves them no time to take a deep breath and ask themselves: Do I look like I want to? Do I really like this bun that is the only hairstyle I have time to make? Do I actually spend time on taking care of myself?

When a woman has the courage to ask herself these questions, answers may be quite disappointing. To tell you the truth, they must be disappointing! Because every woman deserves to feel beautiful and happy, however busy she is. In my experience, women who took their chance to have a conversation with me, tend to do all their housework faster and, more importantly, with less effort.

I don’t know why exactly does it work, but I believe that I’ve helped these women to make their life a little better. As they continue to improve their relationships with their mind and body, they learn to understand and appreciate themselves.

My other clients are my agemates, mature women in their 50s who either have no family or lack attention from their children, spouses, and friends. They’re also steeped in everyday routine trying to do their best at work and at home, forgetting about their needs and desires.

These women sometimes feel lonely and needless, that’s why they spend less and less time on themselves. I’m getting upset every time a new client reaches to me as she seems to have lost faith in herself and her beauty.

But the truth is that every woman, regardless of her age, race, marital status, temper or mindset, can and should be beautiful. For me, beauty isn’t just one’s physical appearance, it’s something more. It’s confidence, it’s kindness, it’s love for every person and every creature living on Earth.

However, I believe that beauty starts with the love for oneself and taking care of oneself. I also believe that I could help women to learn how to love themselves and feel their inner beauty.

I’ve chosen this to be my mission. It may sound dramatic, but I believe that every person has a mission on this planet rather than just a job.

Of course, I have a job, and the job is to make hairstyles and teach people how to care hair properly. But I also have a mission, and my mission is to make this world a little happier, a little brighter, a little better. And I believe that I make it better by helping women to become a better version of themselves.

So, I believe that I could help you if you feel lonely and unwanted if you’ve lost interest in yourself and in relationships if you can’t get out of this vicious circle of work and domestic chores.

Believe me, there is a better life for everyone, and you’re not an exception to this rule. I’m eager to help you become more confident and beautiful, and I could do that by teaching you how to take care of yourself.

As I’m a hairstylist, I may start with hair care advice, but I believe that my professional background, as well as my personal experience, give me the better understanding of human psychology, so I’m trying to give a consultation primarily from this perspective.

That’s why I’m not talking about coloring or keeping the hair volume. But I’m talking about loving yourself, being confident, feeling worthy and wanted.

Every woman is beautiful and attractive, even though you don’t think so. I want you to believe in yourself and in your beauty. You will be surprised to see how attractive confidence and self-faith could be. There is a long journey to find your inner beauty and self-faith, but in the words of Confucius, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. I’d like to be with you at the very beginning of this journey.

If you’re interested in talking with me, you could reach me via Facebook or Twitter.

Feel free to ask everything that bothers you on my Facebook page, and if you need a full session dedicated to all the issues you want to discuss, we could connect via Skype.

As I mentioned earlier, I still work at the salon as a hairstylist. That’s why I decided to start this blog in the first place. I’d like to share with you everything that I know about hair care.

In this blog, I’m writing about new styling tools, hair styling techniques, useful tips and tricks, and so on. I’m glad to answer all of your questions, so feel free to ask anything you want to know about hair styling and leave your comments.

You can also find me sharing knowledge on other reputable websites and beauty magazines, like:

I’m happy to see each one of you reading and discussing my posts, sharing your own experience, and thinking about taking care not only of your locks but also of yourself.

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