How To Fix Hot Roots: Proven Guidelines

Hot roots are the problem everybody who has ever dyed their hair is aware of. It’s not something only blond or redheads bump into. Despite all your efforts and talent or your colorist professional level that spicy and “brassy” problem still could occur.

If that’s the case, the only question baffling your mind is how to fix hot roots. Unless you’re Billie Eilish or a beauty freak. Here is some info you could find useful to deal with the mishap.

Fixing Hot Roots. What You Should Know

Dark Roots of Hair, Overgrown Hair

Hot roots fix could be a thing to do. For copper tones try applying a toner with a cooler tint. Apply it to the demarcation and stretch down the remaining length. To eliminate yellowish undertones it’s possible to use purple shampoo. The best option would be to wait a few days and re-dye the roots with 1 tone darker product.

What Is Hot Roots And Why It Happens

What are hot roots

You have decided to dye your hair and add zest to your image or hide the gray hair that has appeared. It was decided to carry out the procedure at home, which is not the best option. Everything needed was prepared, the staining was over.

You wash off the dye and see that the roots look unnaturally red, copper, or light compared to the rest of the length. The hair color is very different from what you expected to get and looks faded.

It feels like the roots were not dyed or they did not have enough product. These are hot roots, which are not that hot despite the modern trends. As a rule, the difference in color is 1 – 2 inches from the roots and is characterized by a clear demarcation line.

What Causes Hot Roots

Woman shows her gray hair roots

Now let’s talk about what causes hot roots. The most common of them are in physiology.

  • The first reason is the difference in temperature between the ends and roots of the hair, or rather heat, from the scalp. It affects the coloring process of the roots because due to the higher temperature, the roots quickly become lighter and tend to be less stained.
  • The second reason is also physiological. During the procedure, the behavior of the hair that has already been dyed, and the hair that is subjected to primary dyeing is different. This must be taken into account since the technology must also be applied differently. Outgrown hair roots should be dyed as in the primary treatment.

Now let’s talk about what causes hot roots. The most common of them are in physiology.

  • Choosing the wrong color, tone, and shade can also lead to a problem. The difference between your current color and the target color when dying your hair at home should not be more than 2 tones. In some cases, bleaching, lightening or toning may be required before staining, and these procedures are best done in the salon by well-trained professionals. Also, difficulties may arise if you have chosen an extremely bright and catchy color, for example, pink, fuchsia, or ruby.
  • You do not follow the instructions and technology described by the manufacturer. Any changes in the course of staining are best left to professional colorists.
  • Application of one tone over the entire hair length without a difference in the exposure time of the dye or with the same catalyst. It takes half the time to dye the roots. Accordingly, this must be compensated for when applying, choosing a catalyst or tone.

How To Get Rid Of Hot Roots

Tint to the roots of the hair

It is better to entrust the correction of the situation to a specialist, especially if the difference turned out to be very obvious. And no, all the glitter in the world and all the spray hair dyes will not solve the problem, but will only mask it for a while.

  • The first thing you can do if the difference in color is not very striking is to tone the hair. We use a toner with a cold and darker shade. Carefully and evenly apply it to the borderline and stretch along the length of the hair. Rinse with cool water so that the toner does not color the ends of the hair so clearly.
  • The next option is to use a purple shampoo to bring out the yellowish tint. Something close to toning, but a more gentle option, although not so long-term lasting. Blue shampoo will work too. These colors are the opposite of orange on the color palette and will neutralize it.

Next, there exists a more radical way of solving the problem. This is a re-staining after 2-3 days. It is highly recommended to observe such an interval between procedures in order not to damage the hair structure. There are different options here.

  • You can apply a deeper and darker shade to hot roots. Basically, paint is used a tone or one and a half darker (no more than 2 tones). Sometimes, depending on the color and how bright the hair turned out, you can add a golden tint, or opt for a neutral color. It is important to keep the color balanced along the entire length of the hair and not to stretch the dye too much, otherwise, a gallo effect may occur.
  • If the client prefers a lighter color, closer to one at the roots it is possible to lighten the remaining length and try to achieve a color balance of the roots and ends.

How To Avoid Hot Roots

Here is what you should keep in mind for enjoying your new style without mishaps or how to avoid hot roots.

  • First of all, watch the difference between primary and secondary dyeing. This data is in the instructions, which the manufacturer always puts in the paint packaging.
  • Choose colors with a difference of no more than two tones from your current one.
  • Do not dye the entire length of your hair with one mixture. Compensate for the physiological characteristics of the roots by applying paint a tone – two darker.
  • Another option to achieve uniform staining of the roots would be to use a catalyst of a lower percentage for them.
  • If making two different solutions isn’t an option for you, start 2 inches from the roots and work your way down to the ends. Roots should be stained either at half the exposure time of the main hair length or 10 minutes before washing off the product. This should be indicated in the instructions.


Young woman shows her gray hair roots

Will hot roots go away?

Unfortunately, hot roots do not go away on their own. The active use of care products will not help either. Everyone who has ever dyed their hair knows that over time, the color is washed off and changes.

How do salons fix hot roots?

In the salon you will also be offered coloring or toning, depending on how bright the roots turned out and considering your wishes for the final color. Unfortunately, there is no magic wand here. But, the specialist will cope better and faster than you did at home.

Can you dye over hot roots?

Yes, despite the unfortunate appearance, hot roots can be dyed, this is not a problem. It is only important to choose the right color and product for a good result.

Dying Without Hot Roots Is Possible

Dealing with hot roots is not that dramatic. Physiology, that is, the heat and reaction of your hair is the main cause of the mishap.

This must be taken into account when choosing a color and shade (the difference is not more than 2 tones), apply paint in the correct sequence — starting 1-2 inches from the roots and going down to the ends.

And only 10 minutes before the end of the treatment, apply paint to the roots. The way out of the trouble will be toning or staining the roots. It will cover the resulting color and give the hair the desired look. How long have you been coloring your hair and have you ever experienced this?

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