Do you wonder why does my scalp itch after applying oil? In this guide, I will tell you why your scalp itches after using oil, how often you need to lubricate it with oil, and the best methods for applying it. You will also find the answer to the question, “Is oiling your scalp good or bad?” And what types of meals should be used in your case or whether it is worth using it.
A Guide on How to Make My Head Stop Itching
Find out why your head itches and which oil should be used for your scalp to avoid scabies. Also, how often should you oil your scalp, and what benefits does it bring you? It’s important to control how often you apply the oil, as there is a difference in the amount of product needed for different hair types.
Why does my dry scalp itch after applying oil?
The head starts to itch if you use an oil that is not suitable for your hair type. Or it could be due to dandruff, a fungus that occurs naturally on the scalp and feeds on oil. Therefore, adding remedy will only make it worse, and your skin will become oily and too itchy.
Dandruff comes from a dry head, so you should soften it. Dry skin needs oil, but not in large volumes. Dandruff is white scales that get caught on the hair and cause itching and redness on the scalp. When an oily product is applied to a greasy head, the natural mules that stand out begin to linger, then microbes and dirt accumulate and clog the pores. Therefore, before using the remedy, you need to know how much to use for a dry or oily scalp.
Is oiling your scalp good or bad?
Oils play a crucial role in hair protection. Proper use helps you reduce head fatigue, swelling, and dry hair. When you use the product, it fills the cells between the cuticles and protects them. If you regularly massage your scalp, it will improve its health and help to eliminate hair loss.
Using the product also helps strengthen the hair shaft if you have dry or frizzy hair. It will be especially useful if oil stays in the hair overnight. It helps replace lipids in the hair, which are contained in the fatty acids of the oil, which are lost after the hair is polluted or when styling with chemical treatments. Blood circulation from its use will also improve, so the oil, when used correctly, is a good resource for your scalp.
Causes of itching after oiling
Сastor oil causes itchy scalp in the early days as soon as you start using it, as it cleanses the follicles. It is a fairly common effect due to the detoxification process. Toxins are removed from the skin of the head, which can cause unpleasant itching. The more you use it, the less the itching effect will be.
But still, if the head itches very much, you can add essential or peppermint oil to cool the scalp and reduce itching. If you have no desire to leave castor oil overnight, you can apply it on the scalp, massaging it for 5 minutes, and leave it for 20-30 minutes, then wash it off with shampoo.
Are you wondering what to do if coconut oil makes my scalp itch? Although it is the most popular use, it can also cause an allergic reaction to coconut oil in hair, so it is not suitable for everyone. Its base is lauric acid, which means that it easily binds to protein and enters the hair shaft.
Is oil suitable for the scalp?
Not all oils are suitable for your scalp type. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what oil you use. Here are some signs that oil is not suitable for you:
- Allergies. Oils may contain ingredients you are allergic to. They can be some chemicals such as ammonium thioglycolate and glycerol thioglycolate. These components can spoil the health of your scalp.
- Sebaceous dermatitis. Using a remedy on the head can increase itching, as well as cause redness of the skin. In such cases, stop using the oil not to make things worse. If your head itches even more after that, consult a dermatologist.
- Dry scalp. If you have a dry scalp, most likely, after applying the product, your head will start to itch. It is more commonly affected by hot showers or styling hair with heat tools, which dry out the scalp and make it rougher.
Remedies for an itchy scalp
The most common causes of itchy scalp are inflammation of the skin or pimples or seborrheic dermatitis. It can be due to seasonal changes, hormones, and frequent stress. Use warm olive oil to relieve an itchy scalp:
- Get your palms in oil and rub it thoroughly into the scalp.
- Leave it for a couple of hours.
- Wash it off with a medicated soap, such as salicylic acid.
Also, apple cider vinegar can relieve itching since it has a large amount of acetic acid. Well, it needs to be applied carefully as it can cause burns, and you shouldn’t use it if you have open wounds on your head.
FAQ About Itching Head After Uses Oil
I told you why your head might itch, gave you useful tips on oils to use for certain types of hair, and how to determine if you have allergies or other types of disorders. I will also be happy to answer questions that interest you below.
Is it bad to oil your hair?
Don’t leave the product on your scalp for too long, as it can lead to dandruff by clogging the pores. If you use oil every day, then you need to wash your hair with shampoo every day. This is the key to shiny and soft hair.
Why does my scalp itch after I wash my hair?
It means you should better rinse the shampoo from your head so that you do not have itchy or flaky skin. If you wash your hair badly and do not completely wash off the shampoo, it may cause skin irritation.
How to apply oil to the scalp?
First, apply oil to the scalp, massage it with your fingertips and leave your hair covered with a towel overnight. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo the next day.
Why is there hair fall after applying oil?
Applying the oil on the scalp often can promote the growth of fungus, which can cause hair loss and inflammation. Therefore, you do not need to use remedies too often.
How to Deal With Itching Scalp Head
I hope this guide helped you learn more about how to deal with an itchy scalp, the reasons it may happen, and how to properly use the oil in your case so that it does not cause you any complications.
Tell us in the comments if the guide was useful for you. What methods did you use to get rid of the itching?